Bipolar Disorder · OCD

So I Don’t Want to Self Diagnosis


I really think I have some mild form of OCD.

Now I don’t want to be one of those annoying people that tries to self diagnosis themselves after checking their symptoms on WebMD.  Being bipolar I hate those people.  Someone reads mood changes and suddenly they think they need to see a psychiatrist.  If we all went by the internet we’d all have some kind of mental illness.

Not to offend any of you guys who really do have OCD but I really do think I might have it.

A few months back I went to a clinic in Dallas that did extensive testing.  They did written personality tests, stress response tests, and a brain map.  The brain map was interesting.  From what they saw in my brain waves they concluded that A) I was smart, B) that I had a mood disorder, and C) that I had a “little bit” of OCD.

I found that quite interesting so I decided to look into it.

I found some information that sounded really familiar.

  • I’ve had instances where I hit some minor bump in the road, specifically at night, and am terrified that I hit someone.  Now this doesn’t happen often but it does happen.
  • I become extremely aware of my body.  Swallowing and salivating is one that I’ve had issues with over the years.  I have a hard time sleeping because I can’t stop.  Recently I’ve began to focus on my heart beat.  I start to think that if I stop thinking about it it will stop.
  • I just become obsessed with things.  Running is one.  Books on mental illnesses.  I read all of them recently when I was depressed.  One after another.  I couldn’t stop.  I read them all until there wasn’t any more, which then caused me extreme stress.  After that I became really focused on movies depicting wars.  I’d scour DirectTV or Netflix in search another one.  Again, instant anxiety when there wasn’t one on.
  • Right now for example I’m having a hard time writing this.  I write one sentence and decide its no good.  Delete and rewrite.  Before this I was reading for school.  I kept having to reread sentences because I felt I didn’t really take in the information.
  • I’ve had the violent thoughts.  Lately I’ve been having this extreme fear of driving on those high flyovers.  I have these visions and urges to slam my car into the wall.  I also get those urges to drive head first into a passing car.  They make me grip my steering wheel harder.
  • The disgusting part?  I’ve had the weird dirty thoughts about family members.  About my brother, my dad, and my cousins.  They disgust me and I cannot figure out why those ideas pop into my head.  But no matter how much I try to not think about them still come across my mind from time to time.

Now like I said I’m not a doctor.  But does anyone else relate to this?  Is this just a part of bipolar disorder.  Do you other guys become obsessed with things?  Or could this really be OCD?

4 thoughts on “So I Don’t Want to Self Diagnosis

  1. I have some of the same thoughts. My therapist has told me multiple times that they are common in OCD, but that I don’t have OCD. So I don’t know. When I take the online self-tests I score in the low range of likely having it.


    1. Yeah my therapist told me she thinks that I do have symptoms for it. But I wil have to say it doesn’t hinder my daily functioning so it wouldn’t require medication or anything. It’s just troublesome when it comes to things like doing schoolwork. It’s hard for me to get through the reading or assignment.


  2. I can relate. I was diagnosed with OCD Tendencies. And it is totally possible it is part of the Bipolar. I have obsessive thoughts, dirty thoughts, counting, picking, and scratching. Only once have I experienced the obsessive washing, and that was HORRIBLE! I find these things pop up when manic or when under a lot of stress. Maybe this is what is going on with you? Usually people just undergo therapy for it, so if it gets beyond my control, I say something to my psych. But I usually try to nip it on my own if I can. Hope it gets better for you.

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