Bipolar Disorder · Depression

Running Depression Into the Ground

Depression really zaps your energy.

Like I’ve mentioned before I initially became depressed back in May.  I stopped running and biking and doing anything physical.  I lost the energy.

Last February I ran a 26:06 5k.  But in May I was struggling to finish 3 miles.  I began losing motivation and running less and less.  Once I lost my fitness over the summer it only got worse.  Just 1 mile was a battle.

Today I ran my 3 miles without stopping!  And could have done more.

Now besides running sporadically over the past 6 months, this is only my third real run.  I’ve had zero training for 6 months and I’m capable of running 3 miles?  How the hell does that happen.

Determination, motivation, and happiness.  That’s how.

I think it’s safe to say my depression has lifted!  Let the training begin.

7 thoughts on “Running Depression Into the Ground

  1. I normally am an exercise fanatic. Every year or year and a half or so my antidepressants stop working and I fall into bipolar depression. I have anhediona, no reward centers activated by the ‘runner’s high,’ which is no longer credited to endorphins, as they’re too large to penetrate the blood brain barrier. So it’s hard to push myself to do exercise (I do 50 minutes of weights and an hour of cardio, during which I do some of my reading).
    Last time I resorted to binge eating, bread mostly, and regained 20 of the 60 pounds I’d gained on Clozaril, an atypical that’s twice as causal of metabolic fallout as Seroquel or Abilify or any of the others, for that matter. That time, I was depressed and just had given up. Right now in trouble because the antidepressant I take has a side effect of nausea that lasts all day long and can no longer take. I might be headed for another depression and that’s scary for me.

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    1. Man that’s frustrating! I’ll have to say running is what kept me going all last spring. I was off my meds and hypo manic all that time but I was happy.


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